Building realities is the common thread in what I do.

How do I work?

  • During all stages of a project I value clear and open communication in plain language,

  • I thoroughly analyze requirements and recommend the most effective and viable solution,

  • I think ahead and test often to identify challenges, opportunities and changing requirements,

  • I deliver high quality work with minimum hassle, maximum efficiency and great impact,

  • I am personally invested in the success of the companies and people I work with.

What can I do for you?

The services that I offer can be divided into three major disciplines: 3D reconstruction, procedural generation and real-time environments. I mainly offer these for the visual effects, virtual production and real-time experiences markets.



High quality 3D assets are key for both visual effects, virtual production and real-time experiences. To help you create accurate and effective 3D assets, I offer the following services:

  • 3D camera and object tracking from image sequences and/or reference photos,

  • Set and object reconstruction from image sequences and/or reference photos,

  • 3D laser scanning, both terrestrial and handheld,

  • Photogrammetry, both terrestrial and close-range,

  • 3D reconstruction from archival documents and sketches,

  • Parametric CAD modeling as well as direct modeling,

  • De-rezzing 3D models from pre-generated CAD data or 3D scans.

My reconstruction workflow is built around 3DEqualizer, Maya, Houdini, RealityCapture, Fusion360, and ZBrush. Assets can be delivered in a wide range of formats.



The ever-increasing amount of 3D content increasingly requires procedural techniques to generate worlds and objects automatically. To help you build versatile and efficient procedural environments, I offer the following services:

  • Procedural modeling for (semi-)automatic world building,

  • Procedural environment generation tools for layout and set dressing,

  • Procedural tools for configurable game ready assets and prop models,

  • Automated optimization of high resolution meshes to game ready assets,

  • Combined photogrammetry and procedural modeling workflow,

  • Utility tools for automating repetitive tasks.

My procedural workflow is built around Houdini, Substance and Unreal Engine. Procedural tools and assets can be brought into Unreal through Houdini Engine, which is free for commercial use.



As immersive and interactive experiences are becoming more accessible and reliable in VR, AR and MR, real-time technology is being adopted rapidly across a whole range of industries, from film, television, architecture and engineering to education and many others.

As a part of that Virtual Production has become the future of content creation in the last couple of years, and completely changed the way film and TV-series are being made.

To help you create captivating and coherent real-time environments, I offer the following services:

  • Real-time 3D world building and lighting for virtual production,

  • Regular and advanced tools and techniques for real-time environment production,

  • Good understanding of environment art and virtual production workflows,

  • Interactive 3D dioramas for immersive media and real-time experiences.

My real-time 3D workflow is built around Unreal Engine.